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A New Vision for After-School Enrichment Classes


Dear Friends,

If the last few years have taught us anything, it is that we learned just how quickly we can adjust on the fly to meet the needs of our community. For example, as local elementary schools stopped offering in person learning, we created a virtual learning program to meet the needs of the whole child by turning our fitness center into an inclusive environment for virtual learning. Here at the Kaiserman JCC, the staff is clearly dedicated to finding solutions, thinking out of the box and working together to create a supportive community!

As the Kaiserman JCC enters the next phase of our strategic plan, it is important to notice that we live in a different world than we did just a few years ago. In an effort to meet the needs of our community, we are taking our Youth and Family Program in a new direction.

Through our KidsTime After School Program, Academic Enrichment Classes, Sports and Arts programming we will engage our community in new, exciting, intentional ways.

Our goal of these programs is to make sure there is something for everyone to participate in at the J and that everyone feels at home here at the J. I see this department as a living and breathing organism that can and will be changed and adapted as the needs of our community change.

Please click here to learn more about our new After-School Enrichment Classes!

We are delighted and proud to be reaching and serving new communities here at the J. We look forward to being the vibrant hub of Youth and Family Programming in the community. To achieve this mission, we need to listen and answer the needs of our community. If you have an idea for a program for children and families, please let me know at matt@phillyjcc.com. I look forward to connecting with you.

Shabbat Shalom,