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A Story of Diller Teen Fellow Connections

Dear Friends, Below you will find an amazing story from Ellie Aronstam, current Philadelphia Diller Teen Fellow, about an encounter with Israeli Diller Fellows during her most recent family trip […]

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jBabies & jToddlers

Dear Friends, I am really excited to introduce myself to you. My name is Rebecca Silvey and I am excited to be the new program coordinator for jBabies + jToddlers. jBabies + jToddlers new unique, […]

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MLK Day at the J

Dear Friends, “Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to […]

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Camp Kef: The Adventure of a Lifetime!

Dear Friends, Can you believe that it’s January already? A new year, full of new opportunities and new chances to try new things. Something that we here at Camp Kef […]

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