Dear Friends, Get ready to tee off for a great cause at our upcoming Tee Time for Tzedakah event on July 22nd at the picturesque Lulu Country Club in Glenside, […]
Dear Friends, With this heat wave, the start of Camp Kef on Monday, and pool members returning to their summer swim routines, one thing is clear: Summer is here! We […]
Dear Friends, As this school year comes to a close, we find ourselves at a bittersweet moment. Today, we reflect on and celebrate the incredible contributions of three remarkable teachers […]
Dear Friends, As we approach Shavuot, we reflect upon rich traditions and meanings behind this special holiday. Shavuot, also known as the Feast of Weeks, holds multiple significances in our […]
Dear Friends, We want to offer a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped to celebrate Cindy Smukler, Jeffrey Barrack, our guests from Sderot, and the incredible work of the […]