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Camp Kef Values in Action!


Dear Friends,

Two weeks of Camp Kef! What a remarkable beginning to summer. Oftentimes, summer camp is celebrated for the tremendous programming that children can experience at institutions like the Kaiserman JCC. And while we are proud of the offerings at Camp Kef, including STEM enrichment, inclusive sports like Tae Kwon Do and fencing, and a plethora of mixed media arts, we are prouder still of our camp values. Over the course of eight weeks, young people at Camp Kef have the opportunity to explore deeply each of our core, seven camp values. Grounded in Jewish tradition, they are designed to excite equally to the pool on a hot day.

Here they are:

Compassion —- Chemlah
Acceptance —- Caballah
Meaningful —- Malle Mashmaoot
Pride —- Ga’Avah
Kindness —- Toov Lev
Enthusiasm —- Hitlahavoot
Friendship —- Chavroot

Last week, our Camp Community Liaison, or Yoetzet, Jill, led groups through engaging demonstrations of the value of Compassion. Building a group “web of friendship,” Jill helped each bunk illustrate personal, and collective, examples of modeling care for peers, friends, and loved ones. After fostering the physical web with yarn, staff fashioned the lasso out into individual friendship bracelets, to be worn throughout the summer as a memento of camp, the value of chemlah, and the connections we construct through our summer camp experience. I can’t imagine a more meaningful way to start camp, nor a better memory to take away.

Shabbat Shalom,