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A Year Round Hub for ALL Things Fun!


Dear Friends,

As the excitement of the summer begins to wind down and we start to transition back to the school routine, we bid farewell to the thrill of Camp and summer fun. With September soon to bring in shorter days and crisper air, we begin our official countdown to next year.

But…what if I told you that we could keep the summer magic alive year-round?!

Through our Kidstime After-School Enrichment Program, Gymnastics, and Academic and Athletic Enrichment Classes, we are dedicated to offering your children captivating opportunities for growth and development in a joyful, choice-driven environment. Our goal is to extend the same sense of joy that permeates Camp Kef throughout the other 10 months of the year, making the JCC not just your summer destination but your year-round hub for all things fun!

What’s truly wonderful about this vision is that we’re building it together! If you have any ideas for after-school classes or clubs, we welcome your input as we continuously expand our offerings, aiming to be your go-to source for sparking curiosity and enjoyment. Please reach out!

Find more information about our after-school enrichment care and classes below!

Shabbat Shalom, and have a relaxing Labor Day weekend,