We are excited to be offering multiple programs throughout the day for all ages and interests.
Join us for one or all!
All activities are free with a donation of 2 new or used books. Books can be for adults or children.
Activities and Projects: (Please pre-register below)
Families with preschool-age children join us, from 10:00-11:30am, for Kids Gym with hands-on good deed stations.
Elementary-aged children, teens and adults, please join us from 10-12pm for a session learning about literacy and food insecurity through a series of hands-on service projects.
Adults and Gems at the J participants, Join us from 11:30-1pm for a hands-on project making dried soup mix jars, and a MLK-themed (short) movie.
Please pre-register below, and if you are able to, bring 2 new or used books with you to be donated to BookSmiles. Books can be for adults or children.
The BookSmiles Mission: By diverting used children’s books from going to landfills or pulpers, we provide millions of books with new life by getting them into the hands and homes of children who need them most. Starting in infancy, children living in book deserts can build robust libraries of their own, inviting academic success!